Big Number Calculator

The calculator below can compute very large numbers. Acceptable formats include: integers, decimal, or the E-notation form of scientific notation, i.e. 23E18, 3.5e19, etc.

X =
Y =
Precision:   digits after the decimal place in the result
Click the buttons below to calculate

Most scientific and graphing calculators can only display possibly up to 10 decimal places of accuracy. While this is enough in most instances of everyday use, it can be fairly limiting for applications where higher standards of accuracy are necessary. Hence the existence of big number calculators such as the one above, that can provide far higher levels of accuracy. Big numbers are more likely to be used in fields such as cosmology, astronomy, mathematics, cryptography, and statistical mechanics.

Some big numbers that people are exposed to in everyday life include the number of bits on a computer's hard disk, the number of cells and neuronal connections in the body, Avogadro's constant, the estimated number of atoms in the observable universe, and combinatorial processes.

In some cases, the numbers worked with are so large that special notations such as Knuth's up-arrow notation, the Conway chained arrow notation, and Steinhaus-Moser notation were conceived. Nevertheless, there are certainly scientific uses for big number calculators today, and even if a person may not have any need to use one, it can certainly be entertaining to sate one's curiosity of what 10,000 factorial looks like on a screen. Below is a table that shows big numbers in terms of powers of 10 as well as their respective names.

Powers of 10 Name
109 Billion
1012 Trillion
1015 Quadrillion
1018 Quintillion
1021 Sextillion
1024 Septillion
1027 Octillion
1030 Nonillion
1033 Decillion
1036 Undecillion
1039 Duodecillion
1042 Tredecillion
1045 Quattuordecillion
1048 Quindecillion
1051 Sexdecillion
1054 Septendecillion
1057 Octodecillion
1060 Novemdecillion
1063 Vigintillion
10100 Googol
10303 Centillion
10googol Googolplex
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