Budget Calculator

This budget calculator is mainly for the planning of personal finance. All the income items are before tax values.

Modify the values and click the calculate button to use
Incomes (Before Tax)
   Salary & Earned Income /
  Pension & Social Security /
  Investments & Savings / interest, capital gain, dividend, rental income...
  Other Income / gift, alimony, child support, tax return...
  Income Tax Rate: federal + state + local
Housing & Utilities
  Mortgage /
  Property Tax /
  Rental /
  Insurance / home owner, renters, home warranty, etc.
  HOA/Co-Op Fee /
  Home Maintenance / repair, landscape, cleaning, furniture, appliance...
  Utilities / electricity, gas, water, phone, cable, heating...
  Auto Loan /
  Auto Insurance /
  Gasoline /
  Auto Maintenance /
  Parking/Tolls /
  Other Transportation Costs / ticket, taxi, registration, etc.
Other Debt & Loan Payments
  Credit Card / the recurring part to payback balance only
  Student Loan /
  Other Loans & Liabilities / personal loan, store card, etc.
Living Expenses
  Food /
  Clothing /
  Household Supplies /
  Meals Out /
  Other / laundry, barber, beauty, alcohol, tobacco, etc.
  Medical Insurance /
  Medical Spending / copay, uncovered doctor visit or drugs, etc.
Children & Education
  Child & Personal Care /
  Tuition & Supplies /
  Child Support Payments /
  Other Spending / book, software, magazine, device, etc.
Savings & Investments
  401k & IRA / before tax contribution
  College Saving / before tax contribution
  Investments / stock, bond, funds, real estate, etc.
  Emergency Fund & Other / savings, CD, house or major purchase, etc.
Miscellaneous Expenses
  Pet /
  Gifts & Donations /
  Hobbies & Sports / Including tickets, gym membership, etc.
  Entertainment & Tickets /
  Travel & Vacation /
  Other Expenses /

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What is a Budget?

A budget is an estimate and planning of income and expenditure, and commonly refers to a methodical plan to spend money a certain way.

Generally, budgets are created to reach certain financial goals, such as paying off several credit cards, reaching a certain savings goal, or getting income and expenses back on track. There are many different reasons why people create budgets, and even more ways to go about doing so. While some people may prefer our budget calculator or our free budget template, others may prefer different methods. Modern technology has paved the way for many different budgeting software and apps. They all have their pros and cons, but the one that works best is the one that budgeteers will bother sticking with as best as they can.

How to Budget

Budgeting can generally be summed up by two things: living within your means and planning for the future. Successful budgeting usually involves having a detailed personal budget and adhering to it.

Living Within Your Means

Millennia-old religious teachings, countless online resources, and thousands of financial advisors over time have echoed the principle of living within your means. As simple as it may seem, many struggle to implement it successfully in their lives, as the statistic that eight out of ten Americans are in debt, shows. The reason why people are not able to adhere to the principle is generally due to reasons such as:

Planning for the Future

There is a reason why entire departments exist within many corporations for the sole purpose of budgeting and forecasting, as budgeting and forecasting are very important factors when trying to achieve certain financial goals. This concept applies to individuals as well, as it can be hard to achieve personal financial goals successfully without first planning for them. Proper planning can help predict future financial standing according to best estimate forecasts of income and expenses. Proper planning can also help with:

A personal budget can help people live within their means and plan for the future. The Budget Calculator evaluates the components of a personal budget and highlights which specific areas need improvement.

Budget Template

We have created a free, basic, budget template for people who want to start budgeting their personal finances on a month-to-month basis. While it is not the most feature-packed budgeting tool in the world, it was created as a way for people to get motivated and started on their budgeting goals, then eventually move onto more intricate budget-planning tools. It can also serve as a supplementary tool to annualize net income as calculated based off of our Budget Calculator. There is also a computation for annualized expense-to-income ratio. Use our Budget Calculator every month, then update the figures in a saved version of our budget template. The annual net income will update accordingly. Please click here to download our free budget template.


Most budgeteers' main source of income will come from their full-time or part-time job in the form of salaries or wages. The second largest source of income tends to come from investments and their capital gains, and there are various other methods of receiving additional income.

Obviously, anyone would most likely want a higher income. Aside from more consumption, conspicuous or otherwise, a higher income allows for more flexibility when it comes to expenses; a month of extreme spending can be quickly rectified by a high enough income. While achieving a higher income is easier said than done, it is generally accomplished through several main avenues: looking for a new job, attaining higher education such as additional degrees or certifications, the development of new skills, or networking with the right people. For some budgeteers, a higher income can come through investment income, though this method only tends to work in the long term. In some situations, a second job may be necessary to make ends meet.

A main source of income for most Americans in retirement is Social Security. It is important to remember that Social Security payments can only be received as early as age 62. Please visit any of the calculators below for more specific information or calculations.


Housing & Utilities

Most budgeteers will normally have rent or mortgage costs as the bulk of their monthly housing expenses. A general rule of thumb says housing costs should be no more than 30% of monthly gross income, give or take. Any budgeteer who finds that their housing costs are significantly more may find it worthwhile to consider more cost-effective approaches to housing. This may include refinancing to a lower rate, relocating to a more budget-friendly location, or downsizing to a smaller home if possible. They may also consider renting out an extra room if they have one for rental income. Smaller ways to save on housing costs include transitioning to new, smart technologies that generally tend to be more energy-efficient, such as programmable thermostats, energy-efficient lightbulbs, and the installation of solar panels. Please visit any of the calculators below for more specific information or calculations.


For most budgeteers, the bulk of transportation expenses will probably be their car payment, or auto loan. There is generally much leeway to reduce this expense, as retail prices of different cars vary greatly. Choosing to purchase a car within a specific price range will go a long way towards meeting the financial goals of a budget. As a general rule of thumb, monthly car payments should amount to less than 10% of gross income. Other transportation expenses generally include fuel, maintenance, and insurance. There are a number of different ways to try and cut down on transportation expenses. For one, depending on the region, car ownership is not an absolute necessity, and there are alternative transportation options. If possible, use public transport, carpool, bike, or walk instead. Not only can these help a person meet their budget, but they are also eco-friendly, and some can provide exercise. Maybe consider owning a more fuel-efficient vehicle. If car ownership is a must, routine upkeep can help maintain the car in optimum condition. This may include properly inflating tires, performing oil changes, tuning the engine. Also, try to stay educated on traffic laws and operate motor vehicles in a legal manner; not only will traffic violations result in fines, but they can also cause a hike in auto insurance premiums. Car owners who find that they are paying excessively for fuel may want to change driving habits such as aggressive acceleration. As a rule of thumb, try to keep total transportation costs below 15% of income. Please visit any of the calculators below for more specific information or calculations.

Other Debt & Loan Payments

Credit cards carry negative connotations regarding budgeting because people tend to use them to spend more than they can afford. It is important to remember that credit cards are not an endless resource, and that they must be repaid in a timely manner to avoid large interest payments.

Although credit cards can potentially exacerbate debt, when utilized under strict control, credit cards can be incorporated into a budget as a way to save on purchases and even build good credit. However, particularly for those who have constrained budgets, it is important to use credit cards sparingly to avoid large interest payments that could strain budgets even further. Please visit any of the calculators below for more specific information or calculations.

It is important to make sure not to double dip when accounting for student loans, personal loans, or credit card debt in the budget. For instance, do not add $20 to both Credit Card and Meals Out for the same dinner. This applies to student loans and tuition and credit card balances being carried month-to-month.

Living Expenses

While the expenses associated with daily living may seem insignificant when compared to the other categories, they can discreetly add up. A category that has lots of wiggle room in improving a budget is "Meals Out." Cooking at home is generally significantly more cost-efficient than eating out, and depending on how often a person has meals out, eating in more often can potentially reduce living expenses by a large amount.

"Food" and "Meals Out" are part of the expenses breakdown in the results. In general, this combined expense should be less than 15% of income.


In the US, healthcare costs about $10,000 a year on average for each person. Unfortunately, this is an expense that generally has little pliability in a budget. However, there are some strategies that can be used to potentially reduce healthcare costs:

Children & Education

It is often stated that an investment in education is the best investment a person can make. Statistics show a high correlation between higher degrees of education and higher income levels. This category probably has less to do with scaling back, but more to do with planning for it correctly. Keep in mind that in most developed countries, student aid from the government tends to be very accessible so that no matter a person's financial standing, they have the ability to attain higher education. Budgeteers struggling to repay multiple high-interest student loans may consider consolidating them.

Having a child is generally one of the costliest (and time-consuming) expenses for any adult, so it is important to plan for this financially. Please visit any of the calculators below for more specific information or calculations.

Savings and Investments

In healthy budgets, excess money tends to be allocated for the future, which includes savings or investments for retirement, emergency funds, or college savings. It is important for budgeteers not to overlook the importance of an emergency fund; having one can make or break being in debt or not. If savings and investments are managed well, it is not uncommon to see average income earners retire at earlier ages. As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended for the total of this section to be 15% or higher. Please visit any of the calculators below for more specific information or calculations.

Miscellaneous Expenses

This section of expenses is generally the most pliable in a personal budget relative to other categories such as housing or savings. It includes a number of expenses that could fall within the blurred lines of "needs" and "wants." This leaves a lot of room for personal discretion, which can be a good or bad thing. Bad in that over-expenditure can wreck a budget, but good in that moderation can ease stress and potentially heal a budget. Important decisions regarding whether or not to take an expensive trip to the Maldives, whether to attend a Super Bowl in town, or whether it's worth spending large amounts on an art collection go a long way towards achieving financial goals. Lavish vacations, loving pets, and fulfilling hobbies are all great ways to invest in oneself, only if financially feasible. For anyone looking to fix a faltering budget, this section should be the first area to evaluate.

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